The Leg Cast & Bandage Protector is not limited only to protecting casts and bandages, but can also be used to shield patients who have sensitive burn or rash-ridden areas on their legs. The Leg Cast & Bandage Protector is ideal to aid recovery both at home or in the hospital. The Leg Cast & Bandage Protector is manufactured from a highly durable, abrasion-resistant vinyl plastic compound that can be reused over and over. The clear vinyl is large enough to cover even the bulkiest of leg casts and connects to a hard plastic ring which forms the watertight seal with an adjoining latex-free rubber diaphragm. The diaphragm stretches over the patient’s leg tightly to conform to their natural muscle and skin structure, forming a tight seal and preventing water from entering into the vinyl pouch. The combination provides incredible protection and great flexibility, significantly more security than wrapping plastic sheets or bags over a cast in a makeshift attempt to prevent water damage. The Leg Cast & Bandage Protector is easy to put on, by a helper or the patient themselves. It is not intended for swimming purposes as the active use of leg muscles can create gaps in the seal and let water in.